Knot Cypher

FCB Cypher Version 2.0 2008


The FCB Cypher is designed to be a means of communicating a knot structure via a string of text characters and so can be sent via a simple email, forum post or even communicated by spoken word in an unambiguous manner and is credited to Frank Charles Brown.


The cypher has three parts as in the following example:-


Cypher key

Overhand Stopper knot, ABoK #46

bai caj abi bbh cbg dba ack bcg ccl bdo


The first line refers to the cypher version and defines where the cypher rules can be obtained, i.e. it might be a web reference to this page.

The second line defines the knots common names and other descriptive information such as ABoK reference numbers or Overs Index numbers.

The third line is the cypher text line and comprises a string of sets of three letters (spaces separating the three letter sets are optional for ease of reading)


The first two letters denote a position in a two dimensional grid lettered starting from 'a' in the top left hand corner.  The first letter denotes the column and the second letter denotes the row.  Thus cb denotes the cell which is the third column in from the left and the second row down from the top and aa denotes the top left hand cell.


The third letter denotes a tile image from the following table.





To recreate the knot diagram draw the symbol allocated to each code into the cell denoted by the first two letters.


So the code 'aad' would require you to draw the start symbol 'd' into the first cell on the first row.


To read the resultant diagram, the symbols are interpreted as follows:-


a..d denote the Working end.

e and f are non crossing lines.

g and h denote crossing lines, the solid line is taken to be on top of the other.

i..l denote curves.

M..p have dual functions,  where they point out of the knot they denote the Standing part, but where they point into the knot they are used to denote the lines of a loop.

q denotes a line passing behind a spar.

r is used simply to erase or clear cells filled by mistake and is not used in a final cypher.


The code of z is used to denote that a whole row is to be taken to represent a solid spar around which part of the knot may be formed.


Code Examples are given here -  FCB Cypher Examples with diagrams.


A windows program is being developed to allow quick drawing and codeing of knot diagrams and will be announced here.