Knotting Hypertext Markup Language Version 1.0 Dec 2006


This XML is designed to enable the creation of a standardised textual definition of a knot.


A typical text might appear as follows:-



[.language] = KHTML Ver. 1.0

[.knot name] = "Overhand Knot"

[.WKI] = ""

[.function] = "Stopper knot"

[.status] = "whole knot"

[.author] = DerekSmith

[.publishdate] = "10 December 2006"

[.overs index] = {3:6},C1,C2,C3

[.space] = "Body normal"



[.origin] = "Right hand"

[.cord end] = "End#1"

[.cord name] = "Cord1"

[.direction] = l(eft), h(orizontal)

Over C1

[.direction] = b(ack), u(p), l(eft)

Under C2

[.direction] = l, f(orward), u

[.direction] = l, f(orward), d(own)

Over C3

[.direction] = r(ight), b, h

[.direction] = u

Under C1

[.direction] u, l, f

[.direction] d, l

Over C2

[.direction] l, b, d

Under C3

[.direction] l, [.length] = "SP"

[.cord end] = "SP#1"



KHTML Term Definition


[.language] Defines the version of KHTML being used in thedescription


[.knot name] Defines the common name by which the knot is known. Alternate names may be included separated by comma.


[.WKI] Defines the Wiki Knot Index URL link for this knot.


[.function] Defines a crude functional categorisation for the knot. Examples include:

"Bend" - a joining knot.

"Loop" - a loop forming knot or "Loop x" where x defines the number of loops formed.

"Hitch" - a knot designed to hold to a fixed object.


[.status] Defines if this structure is a "whole knot" or a "knot fragment"


[.discovery] Defines the date if known of discovery or recording and to whom the knot is attributed i.e. Date="ca 1940", Attrib="annon", Source="ABOK pp xxx". Multiple attributions may be given where these exist.


[.author] Defines the author(s) of the KHTML file.


[.publishdate] Defines the date the KHTML file was first published and may include a revision date.


[.overs index] Declares the Overs Index for the structure in the form {X:Y-Z} where X = the crossings index, Y = the saturation and Z = sub classification reference. Following this declaration is a list of the crossing points utilised in the description.


[.origin] Defines the starting point for the description, this is taken to be the right hand for the default position.


[.space] Defines the space within which the knot is perceived. By default this is the 3D space in front of the human torso, so the description is made as perceived.


[.path] Defines the start of the(an) element and is terminated by an [/path] statement. In multipath definitions (i.e. multicord constructions) the links between the paths are set by the defined crossing points which maintain a constant definition between paths. Once the first path has been defined, all subsequent paths are defined relative to the [.origin], or any of the identified [.cord end] positions or are synchronised to the Over crossing point references.


The following terms may be used within a [.path] statement.


[.cord end] This defines the nature of the functionality of the end. The term will be used once at the begining of the [.path] statement to define the function of the origin end. Use of the term at the end of the [.path] statement defines the function of that end of the construction. Typical terms are - "End #1", "SP" or "SP#1", "Loop#1".


[.cord name] In multi cord systems, this identifies each cord by a unique name.


[.direction] Defines the direction the cord takes using three dimensional space described by directional idices, these are:-

l - left

r - right

u - up

d - down

f - forward i.e. towards the observer

b - back i.e. away from the observer

h - horizontal

Indices may be compounded, provided they do not conflict i.e. l,u,f is permitted but not l,r.

Two further descriptions may be appended, the first is [.length]=x where 'x' defines the distance in cord diameters that this direction continues or it defines a cord length such as "SP", and the second is [.curvature]=y where 'y' defines the radius of curvature in cord diameters. The default where neither of these are defined is [.length] is =1 and [.curvature]=0 i.e. straight.


Over Cx - Defines the cord as crossing over another at the defined point of Cx.


Under Cx - Defines the cord as crossing under another at the defined point Cx.